All babies will be disbudded and boys may be wethered (no additional charge).
GardenViewFarm JPJ JustInTime - Giveaway buckling
K16 - Black with broken white belt, blue eyes Buckling born 4/12/18 Dam: Wood Bridge Farm Lupita Nyongo 1*M Sire: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainJoe |
Bending Birch Farm TBD - SOLD
K17 - Chocolate Cou Clair (bottle baby) Doeling born 4/17/18 Dam: Old Mountain Farm DramasDelite Sire: Whitbred Jack of Spades |
K18 - buckskin with minimal white - Sold
Buckling born 4/17/18 Dam: Old Mountain Farm DramasDelite Sire: Whitbred Jack of Spades |
Bending Birch Farm TBD - SOLD
K19 - Cou Clair Doeling born 4/17/18 Dam: Old Mountain Farm DramasDelite Sire: Whitbred Jack of Spades |
Bending Birch Farm TBD
K20 - Bucksin with silver moonspots Doeling born 4/17/18 Dam: Old Mountain Farm DramasDelite Sire: Whitbred Jack of Spades |
Bending Birch Farm TBD - SOLD (JK)
K21 - Cou Blanc Doeling born 4/18/19 Dam: Creeping Thyme Thelma Sire: Whitbred Jack of Spades |
Bending Birch Farm TBD
K22 - Buckskin with white tip on tail Buckling born 4/18/19 Dam: CH Creeping Thyme Thelma VEEV88 as a FF Sire: Whitbred Jack of Spades |
Bending Birch Farm TBD - SOLD
K23 - Red/gold Buckling born 4/18/19 Dam: CH Creeping Thyme Thelma Sire: Whitbred Jack of Spades |
Bending Birch Farm Scarlet - Sold
K24 - Buckskin Doeling born 4/18/19 Dam: CH Creeping Thyme Thelma VEEV 88 as a FF Sire: Whitbred Jack of Spades |
GardenViewFarm R WheelintheSky
K25 - Red and Chocolate with heavy white overlay Doeling born 4/23/2018 Dam: Udderly Topnotch LJ Faithfully Sire: Cool Springs TC Rowan *B Retained |
GardenViewFarm R Lil BitOHoney "Lil Bit"
K26 - Red and Chocolate with white overlay Doeling born 5/16/2018 Dam: Happenstance CHG Frankie Bit Sire: Cool Springs TC Rowan *B Retained |
K27 - Red and Chocolate with white overlay
Buckling born 5/16/2018 Dam: Happenstance CHG Frankie Bit Sire: Cool Springs TC Rowan *B Available as a wether $150 |
K28 - Red and Chocolate with extensive white overlay - SOLD
Buckling born 5/16/2018 Dam: Happenstance CHG Frankie Bit Sire: Cool Springs TC Rowan *B |
GardenViewFarm is located in Freedom, a small town in Western New York.
Please feel free to text or email us anytime!
P: 315-882-6685
Email: [email protected]
Please feel free to text or email us anytime!
P: 315-882-6685
Email: [email protected]