GardenViewFarm R Sienna 2*M ++A+81
1xRGCH under Judge Jean Lucas
1xGCH under Judge Pete Snyder
1xRGCH under Judge Jean Lucas
1xGCH under Judge Pete Snyder
Dam: Udderly Topnotch BB Brownsugar 1*M VEEE89
DD: SGCH Cuatlilredbarn Wanda EEEE91
DDD: GCH Jasper's Harem JB Coco Puff 2*M VVEE90
DDS: Cu at Lil'Red Barn Fizzel
DS: CH J-Nels DH Be Bop +*B +EE86
DSD: SGCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 2*M VEEE90
DSS: GCH Algedi Farm DJ Drops of Honey +*B
Sire: CH Cool Springs TC Rowan *B EVV88
SD: GCH J-Nels OH Red's Li'l Ruby 4*M EEEE90
SDD: GCH J-Nels DH Li'l Red 3*M VEEV90
SDS: Rosasharn BH OH Henry +*B
SS: Cool Springs Farms C Taterchip *B
SSD: GCH Udder Utopia Cinderella 6*M
SSS: CH J-Nels HM He's A Chipper Boy EVE90
DD: SGCH Cuatlilredbarn Wanda EEEE91
DDD: GCH Jasper's Harem JB Coco Puff 2*M VVEE90
DDS: Cu at Lil'Red Barn Fizzel
DS: CH J-Nels DH Be Bop +*B +EE86
DSD: SGCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 2*M VEEE90
DSS: GCH Algedi Farm DJ Drops of Honey +*B
Sire: CH Cool Springs TC Rowan *B EVV88
SD: GCH J-Nels OH Red's Li'l Ruby 4*M EEEE90
SDD: GCH J-Nels DH Li'l Red 3*M VEEV90
SDS: Rosasharn BH OH Henry +*B
SS: Cool Springs Farms C Taterchip *B
SSD: GCH Udder Utopia Cinderella 6*M
SSS: CH J-Nels HM He's A Chipper Boy EVE90
DHIR Records
Year |
Age at Kidding |
Milk |
Fat |
Protein |
2020 |
1-00 |
56 |
106 |
5 (4.7%) |
5 (4.7%) |
2021 |
1-10 |
311 |
589 |
42 (7.1%) |
25 (4.2%) |
2020: 1 doe, 2 bucks (Kody)
2021: 2 bucks (Joe)
2020: 1 doe, 2 bucks (Kody)
2021: 2 bucks (Joe)